Installation gflags on Ubuntu 14.04
2017. 5. 31. 09:38
On Ubuntu or Debian machine You can get related packages doing something like this:
$ apt-cache search gflags
Output on my machine (Ubuntu 14.04):
libgflags-dev - commandline flags module for C++ (development files)
libgflags-doc - documentation of gflags
libgflags2 - commandline flags module for C++ (shared library)
python-gflags - Python implementation of the Google command line flags module
python-google-apputils - Google Application Utilities for Python
So, I presume You could install it using it's full name like this:
$ sudo apt-get install libgflags2 libgflags-dev
original source: https://askubuntu.com/questions/312173/installing-gflags-12-04